Developing these things, relationships. Is it the only way to get things done? The Chinese word 关系 “guānxi“. In a sense it is, no one exists in a vacuum.
The goal is to build my own online art gallery. My own art museum. I have things that I would like to put in it. There are things I would like to start collecting. There are things that I would like to link from it. Connections. It’s more of a longer term plan and I’ll sure need some help.
For now I keep working toward being able to work on TheWork. Making small steps. I made some animated gifs from the “coalesced” images I collected today. I noticed there were many 500×500 pixel images, so I grabbed them all…
~/Werk/coalesce/2021/10/25/images$ identify coalesce-Oct-25-2021-* | grep 500x500 | awk '{ print $1 }' > animate.txt
And coalesced them into a .gif like so:
~/Werk/coalesce/2021/10/25/images$ convert -delay 10 -loop 0 coalesce-Oct-25-2021-107.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-119.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-124.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-136.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-137.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-139.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-142.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-143.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-148.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-156.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-168.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-176.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-178.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-1.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-220.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-230.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-233.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-238.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-268.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-287.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-296.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-298.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-301.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-315.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-316.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-317.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-318.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-329.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-337.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-338.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-343.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-346.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-34.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-35.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-375.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-395.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-396.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-399.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-47.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-4.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-62.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-72.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-76.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-88.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-93.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-95.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-96.jpg coalesce-Oct-25-2021-1.gif
I tried the transitions at different speeds and not sure which is best. The typical 10 value I use for the delay which is much shorter than a second? A millisecond? I dunno what unit of time it is, but it’s quick. Seizure inducing quick which can be annoying so I’ll include it at the bottom. Starting out a little slower, here is what the transition looks like at a delay of 60:

Here is a delay of 30:

Here is the delay of 10, I hope you are ready for the strobe effect:

The last one went well w/ the latest Ministry album which I listened to today:
I started out the day listening to St. Vincent which is a bit calmer but tempered by a bit of the same cynicism maybe that Ministry brings to the table. It is needed now even more that 1989 I dare say. I really wasn’t going anywhere with this, but there are some connections for me.
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