Floating downstream.
Where do you find the time?
It’s been two weeks since I have last been able to write anything here? I said to myself, I’ll have to write two blog posts to catch up, but I won’t to lie you, I’m not. Carrying on from my last post, in the past week that I heard on the radio. It was an…
The medium is the message.
What does the medium of a personal blog on the Internet say… What would Marshall McLuhan think about the Internet? The obvious place to launch this inquiry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshall_McLuhan Interestingly he crept back into my consciousness the other day watching an episode of The Sopranos. Which is sort of a circular pattern here. Currently I’m binging…
What’s in a name?
It’s easy to order up a bunch of domain names and then do nothing with them. I purchased my first domain – newimprovedmeda.com – over twenty years ago now. I let it go, someone else registered it and then they did very little with it for many years. When they let it go I purchased…
Today’s feeds
Escapes from captivity: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-49132420 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-49131425 The first one I noticed about that man freed from Syria lead to his blog: http://searching4sam.com/ It is somewhat inspirational, an ambitious project. A book about Rewi Alley, the author interviewed by Kim on the Saturday Morning show today. I’ve heard him mentioned before but now I am more interested…
Looking Back
Phantom Threads
There once was this hard bound magazine. A real visual feast. Tactile as well, since it was hardbound. The musty waxy smell as you turned through the pages. They were already about twenty years old when I encountered them. They would be about forty now. Over forty I guess. https://archive.org/details/TNM_Audience_magazine_subscription_offer_20180505_0047/ Unlike the Audience “workaday” staff…
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Start writing. It seems so easy. Staring into the blank nothingness of digital whiteness. Those free minutes in the morning. The sun shining in my face. I thought about taking a selfie. The moment passed.
We are they.
Today’s phrase for the day: 我们是他们 (Wǒmen shì tāmen) Which is of course what I hear in my mind when I see or hear it: They are us 他们是我们 (Tāmen shì wǒmen) These are words and characters I’ve learned early on starting to study Chinese. Though I could still use some practice writing the characters.…
I had no idea what I was doing, still don’t.
It was a website, yes. I payed $50 dollars to some third party to register the domain. I wrote about this here: https://nimhq.net/?q=blog Which was a Drupal site I am/was experimenting with. Like I said, I still have no idea what I am doing. But instead of trying to figure out, I’m just going to…
Who are you? What are you doing here? Did I use your image file? Did you use one of mine?