Category: Too lazy to categorize

  • Connections

    Developing these things, relationships. Is it the only way to get things done? The Chinese word 关系 “guānxi“. In a sense it is, no one exists in a vacuum. The goal is to build my own online art gallery. My own art museum. I have things that I would like to put in it. There…



    I added a new letter to my acronym for judging which of my creations are worthy of displaying as an artwork. I added a final T, which allows for it to still have a fun sounding pronunciation. The scale is one to ten for each category and of course just arbitrary judgements that I would…

  • Two Decades

    Two decades of largely living digitally. Two points in time where we all take a reality check. Thinking back to my twenty year ago self, I would never have guessed that I would be half way around the world and marking the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of 9/11 by getting my second dose of…

  • Chance Operations

    One incentive for myself to write here more often, is that in the RSS reader that draws upon to create the daily cutup, is a subscription to this very blog. I’ve idly thought about writing a script to go through and pull out random images from my personal photo collection and collage them together…

  • Today’s Favourite Collage

    Everyday I take random images from my RSS reader, and composite them with random options fed into ImageMagick. Which I’ve mentioned before. WordPress really doesn’t have a way interlinking posts does it? Anyway. Just looking at the blocks of things you can do w/ WordPress, oh look a verse block. I did start writing a…

  • Some cats I’d like to buy

    Some cats I’d like to buy

    Searching for collage on OpenSea this morning, I found: The first time I tried to buy it the gas cost was around $60. I waited a few minutes and then it went up again. I guess I’ll come back later. (Update: I did eventually buy them, and set them as “featured image” here.) This…

  • Express yourself

    This is a concept that is easier said than done. Although it certainly brings this song to mind. You have to choose your art form. Mine happens to look something like this today. A collage which was generated for, but not included in the daily cutup. One of 400 collages I generated today. Why? Why…

  • Incremental Improvements

    Eventually the daily cutups at will be completely automated. But today we are not quite there yet. While a series of scripts create the cutups and collages, choosing and inserting the collage into the post each day remains a manual task. I don’t really know how to automate that part yet, but I have…

  • Painting with Brain Waves

    The City Gallery exhibit called The Algorithmic Impulse closed about a week ago which meant it was time for me to go and pick up my artwork that I had created as part of it. Back in January I went to the City Gallery and donned an EEG headset and sat at a desk writing…

  • User Story

    Even though I am the creator of, I am also it’s number one user. The process is currently an automated job runs at 6:30 am in the morning about 30 minutes before I typically wake up and takes the last 100 stories from my RSS readers, folds and rearranges lines of text and creates…