This was the last thing I tweeted on Twitter.

I didn’t bother to try downloading an archive of my tweets or whatever. On the nightly news I heard about the poll. I saw some of Musk’s tweets today. I don’t care. It’s like Live Journal. Dead to me. Just for being associated with Russia and the atrocities committed against Ukraine.
With LJ I spent a significant amount of time archiving. I mean it was a blog platform. I wrote things on it. They were not especially good but they did contain some memories. So did the tweets, but it was somehow liberating to just throw them all away. Like tears in the rain.
I don’t care how many people were following me (It was like 290). I don’t care how many people I followed (it was like a 1000). If you don’t have an RSS feed, you don’t exist to me. If you have an RSS feed and you don’t want small bits of the things you write or the images you use to be regugitated in another blog I maintain, you will have to tell me to unsubscribe, and I happily will.
There are all of these places where I’ve linked to my Twitter profile. I’m not going to update them. Click through to the this page does not exist page. The 404 is the message.
Goodbye Twitter and hello Polestar.
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