Floating downstream.

  • User Story

    Even though I am the creator of Coalesce.me, I am also it’s number one user. The process is currently an automated job runs at 6:30 am in the morning about 30 minutes before I typically wake up and takes the last 100 stories from my RSS readers, folds and rearranges lines of text and creates…

  • Yī píng xī lā zǐ

    I have been making a lot of collages lately and am indeed publishing a whole other blog full of them on a daily basis: https://coalesce.me Today there is some overflow like this one: What I would say if I was not afraid of reprisals to from China. Dear China, Yes we want your money. But…

  • Buckley on Mcluhan

    I found this interesting, listening to a debate from 1967 between William F. Buckley and Timothy Leary. It surprises me on one hand how I think Leary is a bit far out, but then on the other hand being far out is good. I am not sure why he clung to comparing the psychedelic experience…

  • Why I voted

    To my memory I had not voted in an American general election since 2004 and I didn’t think I would ever vote in one again. As far as I can recollect I have never voted for a Democrat before either. Nor a Republican for that matter of course. You see I am what they call…

  • Local Selection Mask

    I have a new quest to understand what it is. Local Selection Mask. In Krita. All I know was I was working on a digital painting, and I applied this thing and produced an effect which I liked. But it’s not part of the image it’s just how the mask looks, but it’s more an…

  • TheWork

    There is work and then there is TheWork. Work is what you do to make money and make a living. TheWork is something personal that is important to you and may even define you. For some lucky few people work and TheWork may be one and the same. For most others I believe there is…

  • Thinking about Ā Mua

    Last week Ruth Bader Ginsburg past away. One of our biggest fears for this American political cycle realised. She was the anchor for our progressive hopes and dreams on that high court bench. We will carry on without her. I made this digital painting in her memory. In Aotearoa it was Maori Language week. These…

  • In Search of Equality

    We have all witnessed the life drain out of this beautiful black man by the name of George Floyd. There is not much I can say that would do any good here. Recently I have lost two Uncles who very kind and dear to me. Since then I have been working on some simple digital…

  • We Knew It Could Happen

    When you hear someone utter the word “unprecedented”, you can be sure they are just filling up space and have no intellectual sensibility to offer you. Plagues have happened before. What hasn’t happened is a plague affecting us. How dare it do that. A plague in the Information Age isn’t even unprecedented. In fact it…

  • Remediated

    You know that thing they say on the airlines, if the oxygen mask comes down be sure to affix it to your self before trying to help others. That is how I feel sometimes, I’m trying to breathe. I need to be able to breath before doing something else, before working on something. Tonight I…

Who are you? What are you doing here? Did I use your image file? Did you use one of mine?