Floating downstream.
Goodbye Twitter
This was the last thing I tweeted on Twitter. I didn’t bother to try downloading an archive of my tweets or whatever. On the nightly news I heard about the poll. I saw some of Musk’s tweets today. I don’t care. It’s like Live Journal. Dead to me. Just for being associated with Russia and…
Make America A Nightmare Dystopia Again
MAANDA should be emblazoned on my hat. This is what the hopefully dwindling supporters of a similar sounding acronym are really saying, briefly re-energised by certain re-election announcements. The other morning I suddenly began thinking about Aldous Huxley’s novel Brave New World after not having thought about that book in a long while. I did…
It’s Possible To Dream.
There is a lot we still don’t know… About what? Politics? Making art? The Universe? Science? There is certainly a lot about mathematics I still don’t know. Sometimes things just come together. Randomness is a factor. With every major software upgrade, there is that annoying period where the things you used to do don’t work…
I Am Not Good At This
At writing a blog. Looking for a job. At being professional, I guess. What do I need a job for anyway? Oh, right money. Please hire me, I can push technical debt around. You can too if you just read this academic paper: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-47240-5_13#Sec2 Most people these days are working half-arsed, I mean “Agile” so…
Meaning Makes You Tired
It’s much better to come up with it after the fact. Or just have someone on YouTube explain it to you. Thinking is work. It requires energy. This is why a lot of people don’t do it. Can’t I just pay you to think for me? Yes, you can. We call this the knowledge economy.…
Your Uber to the underworld is here.
The modern dilemma. What to write on your blog. Why write at all? What do I have to say about anything? Working with AWS? I wouldn’t be working with AWS unless I got paid to do that, and I’m not going to do that for free. In my free time. I want to make art.…
Jammy Upgrade
We are now living in the Jammy Ubuntu 22.04 world. The horizontal workspaces don’t work for me, and for now I am getting by with this plugin: Until I can get the vertical workspace switcher working again. Possibly this plugin, which is not currently supporting Gnome 42: I don’t dislike the horizontal workspace switching, and…
Update Known Hosts
I’m trying to live in that immutable infrastructure world where you just rebuild your machines images instead of patching running systems and then deploy them to the cloud. But, I am so used to ssh’ing into things, especially test things where you are trying to figure out how to do something and just need to…
Generated By Artificial Stupidity
Today’s cutup always generates a surplus of images with which I sometimes try to generate more interesting collages and sometimes create animate gifs with a series of similar sized images. The raw gif for this series ended up being a bit too large for my blog to handle but after processing via https://ezgif.com/ it brought…
Developing these things, relationships. Is it the only way to get things done? The Chinese word 关系 “guānxi“. In a sense it is, no one exists in a vacuum. The goal is to build my own online art gallery. My own art museum. I have things that I would like to put in it. There…
Who are you? What are you doing here? Did I use your image file? Did you use one of mine?